Lesson 1, Topic 1
In Progress

Video Class Sessions: Evangelistic Bible Lessons and Party Club Evangelistic Outreach Copy

The Evangelistic Bible Lessons class session will help you to recognize the difference between doctrinal, topical and narrative lessons and how they are developed. In the Party Club Evangelistic Outreach class session, you will learn what a Party Club is, why you should have a Party Club, and how to organize and carry out a Party Club. The final three Party Club Evangelistic Outreach videos need to be watched in order (Focus, Demonstration, Observation). You will be instructed to make careful observations as the Party Club is demonstrated. Student notes are provided in the Progressive Methods of Child Evangelism student manual. You may want to take additional notes as you listen. Feel free to watch the video as many times as you would like and to use the controls to move through the presentations at your own pace.