Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF) and Children’s Ministries Institute (CMI) firmly believe that one of the main tasks of the Church today is to take the good news of salvation to “every creature” (Mark 16:15). Down through the centuries, the emphasis in many churches has been placed on youth and adults. However, the children have been desperately neglected.
WE BELIEVE that the Bible does not teach a theology of childhood which is separate from, and different than, a theology of adulthood. Instead, the Bible gives a theology of man which includes both children and adults. While there are many differences between the child and the adult physically, psychologically, socially and, in some ways, spiritually, their condition before God is the same.
WE BELIEVE that Christians should take children’s ministry seriously, not merely as entertainment but seizing every opportunity to instill God’s Word in tender hearts while they are young.
WE BELIEVE even young children can make a solid decision to trust in Jesus Christ as their Savior when properly instructed. Contrary to secular theories of child development and philosophies which have even infiltrated into some Christian education circles, we believe the grace of God through the ministry of the Holy Spirit can be extended to boys and girls. The lives of thousands of godly Christians who were saved at a young age confirm this is true.
WE BELIEVE that ministry to children is crucial for world evangelization. One-third of the world’s population is younger than 15 years of age. World Vision estimates that more than 80 percent of the world’s young people, totaling 1.4 billion, are growing up in non-Christian homes. If we are to evangelize the world, we must evangelize its children. Jesus said, “It is not the will of your Father…that one of these little ones should perish” (Matt. 18:14) and we believe Christians everywhere should know how to simply lead children to Christ.
WE BELIEVE in the process of multiplication (2 Tim. 2:2). Our desire is to recruit faithful, capable men and women for ministry with CEF and to equip them with leadership skills necessary to train other adults and young people who will teach children in North America and around the world. However, children’s workers and leaders will also be multiplied as they serve the Lord under the auspices of their local church or another mission agency. CMI challenges its students for full-time ministry among the children.