The Children’s Ministries Institute® is a nontraditional program that provides specialized training for individuals involved in direct ministry to children and for potential leaders of children’s ministries. Due to the length and nontraditional nature of the program, the institute does not qualify for formal accreditation by higher education accrediting associations. However, because of its reputation for a quality program and solid doctrinal position, various Christian colleges and universities award academic credit to students who hold a CMI® diploma or have completed specific courses. The student must check with the college of their choice about receiving credits before registering for a course or the diploma program.
Articulation Agreements
The following regionally accredited Christian colleges and universities have entered into articulation agreements with CMI and have agreed to award academic credit. Three colleges consider CMI courses part of their educational program.
Appalachian Bible College
CMI and Appalachian Bible College (ABC), located in Bradley, West Virginia, have an articulation agreement whereby 19 credits will be awarded to CMI graduates toward an associate of arts degree specializing in children’s ministry. In addition, CMI students participating in summer missions programs can receive a maximum of eight credits.
Calvary University
The Children’s Ministries Institute has partnered with Calvary University in Kansas City, Missouri, whereby CMI courses are considered part of Calvary’s academic program. Students who complete the CMI diploma program (including on-campus and online courses) can receive credits toward a two-year associate’s degree or a four-year bachelor’s degree.
Corban College
Corban College in Salem, Oregon, has agreed to grant 16 academic credits for the satisfactory completion of the 12-week CMI diploma program. Credits will be awarded based on the student’s major.
Crown College
Crown College in Saint Bonafacius, Minnesota, will award up to 18 transfer credits for CMI coursework completed by students who enroll in the Crown College School of Online Studies or Crown College School of Arts and Sciences. The CMI courses approved for credit (3 credits per course) are CM202 Teaching Children Effectively™ Level 1, CM203 Teaching Children Effectively Level 2, CM204 Understanding Today’s Child, CM205 Progressive Methods of Child Evangelism, CM301 Ministry to Generation Z, and LD403 Leadership Essentials.
Davis College
Davis College in Johnson City, New York, has agreed to grant nine professional elective credits and six general education elective credits upon satisfactory completion of the 12-week CMI diploma program, depending on the applicability of the credits to a specified program. A total of 15 credits can be applied toward a degree program at Davis. Credit for partial completion of the diploma program will be examined case by case. Contact the Davis College Registrar for more information and approval.
Lancaster Bible College | Capital Seminary and Graduate School
LBC | Capital will accept CMI courses for undergraduate credit (up to 3 credits per course) applicable to a student’s program and as applicable to the college’s transfer policy. A maximum of 15 credits may transfer. Anyone affiliated with CEF who applies to LBC | Capital should contact LBC | Capital Registrar’s Office for more information and transfer credit approval.
Liberty University
Liberty University (LU), Lynchburg, Virginia, has established a Bachelor of Science in Religion degree program. CMI graduates who desire to enroll in LU’s B.S. of Religion will receive six credits for their CMI training. CMI courses are considered part of LU’s academic program.
Prairie Bible College
CMI has entered into an articulation agreement with Prairie Bible College located in Three Hills, Alberta, Canada, whereby PBC will extend credit transfer to approved graduates of CMI courses. The credits will be applied to general transfer hours and subject to the requirements and established guidelines to provide students with the most favorable transfer. CMI graduates desiring to enroll in a PBC degree program should contact the PBC registrar’s office for an evaluation of coursework to determine the number of academic credits that will be awarded.
Providence College and Seminary
Providence College and Seminary, located in Otterburne, Manitoba, Canada, has agreed to grant up to 15 academic credits for the satisfactory completion of the 12-week CMI diploma program. Credits will be awarded based on the student’s major.
Rocky Mountain College
Rocky Mountain College (RMC), located in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, has an articulation agreement with CMI whereby RMC will extend credit transfer to CMI graduates. The number of transferable credits will vary depending on the specific RMC program being entered.
Note: Additional colleges may award academic credit for specific courses included in the CMI program. Check with your college’s registrar to inquire about receiving credit for CMI courses.