Transcript Requests
Transcript requests must be submitted to the CMI Registrar in writing and be personally signed by the student. Please provide specific information regarding the address and to whom the transcript should be sent.
(NOTE: All financial obligations to CMI must have been met before a transcript will be released.)
Directions: Print the Transcript Request Form, fill it out completely (please print clearly) and mail it to the address given on the form. A written signature is required. The cost for a transcript is $10.00 per copy. Make your check payable to Child Evangelism Fellowship. Please allow ten working days for us to process your request.
Continuing Education Unit (CEU) Requests
The Continuing Education Unit (CEU) is defined as six contact hours of satisfactory participation in an approved course. The CEU is a nationally recognized measurement of non-credit post-secondary level of learning and is used by many professions as a measure of ongoing training that is required to maintain credentials. Professionals in many fields of service, including pastors, Christian school teachers, chaplains, counselors and ministry leaders use CEUs to verify an educational experience to maintain or improve skills.
The Children’s Ministries Institute is a recognized provider of Continuing Education Units (CEUs) by the Association of Christian Schools International. Individuals completing various modules of the Children’s Ministries Institute program as well as other approved training opportunities offered through Child Evangelism Fellowship worldwide may apply for CEUs.
CEU certificate requests must be submitted to the CMI Field Course Coordinator in writing. Please provide specific information regarding the type of training you are requesting credit for as well as requested information regarding the instructor of the training.(NOTE: All financial obligations to CMI must have been met before CEU certificates will be released.)
Directions: Print the CEU Request Form, fill it out completely (please print clearly) and mail it to the address given on the form. A written signature is required. The cost for a for a CEU certificate is $10.00 per copy. Make your check payable to Child Evangelism Fellowship. Please allow ten working days for us to process your request.