Lesson 1, Topic 1
In Progress

Principles of Christian Leadership Journal Entry #2 Copy

This journal entry will be included as part of your Personal Leadership Plan that will be submitted at the end of the course. Careful reflection upon the course content as it relates to you personally and insightful construction of this journal entry will help you as you meet with your mentor and continue to develop and adjust your Personal Leadership Development Plan.

Follow the steps below to complete this assignment:

  • Reflect on your own personal leadership development as it relates to the course content and your interaction with the other participants in this module. Think about what you have learned. What is God teaching you? What will you do about it?
  • Review The Essential Guide to Writing SMART Goals as needed.
  • Refer to the journal rubric found in the Grading Policies and Information section of the course. before composing your entry.
  • Complete the Principles of Leadership Journal Entry Form below. Provide substantial interaction between your thoughts and the course content. Referencing course content and/or other resources is required. (Minimum – three references) This journal entry should be 600 – 800 words.

Once you have completed your journal entry form, save it on your computer and submit it using the Assignments block below. This needs to be submitted by Monday at 11:55 PM Central Time.