Week 1
This week of the Romans Road for Children will introduce you to the foundational truths of the message of salvation and help you begin to think through some specific areas of teaching. You’ll begin by posting a brief introduction about yourself to the other participants on the forum. This “getting to know you” exercise will help you begin to feel connected to other students participating in your learning community.
A discussion question will also be given to you. Be sure to post your response to the question on the forum no later than Friday. By Monday you will need to respond to at least two other students’ posts. At the end of this week, you will complete an online quiz reviewing the material presented.
Each session includes an online presentation. There will be two videos listed for each presentation. The first video will be in English, and the second video will be in American Sign Language. You can choose which video you would prefer to watch. Student notes are provided with additional space for writing personal observations. Sessions two and three include demonstrations to show how each part of the presentation of the Romans Road tool should be taught. Practicing these sections will help solidify the material in your mind.
Learning Outcomes
1. Students will articulate what Scripture teaches concerning God’s view of children and the child’s need to know Christ as Savior.
2. Students will recall the foundational truths children need to understand in order to trust Christ as Savior.
3. Students will practice teaching the truths about God and sin as demonstrated in this module.
You can find the assignments for this week listed in the suggested sequence of activities in the Lesson Content box below.