Lesson 1 of 0
In Progress
Seminar Presentation
The video content for this seminar, which was recorded during the Child Evangelism Fellowship 2023 USA National Conference, is below. Click on the video play icon to view the presentation. Feel free to use the controls to move through the presentation at your own pace.
For this seminar, notes are available as a PDF file. Click on the link below to download and print the notes, then keep them on hand so you can take additional notes as you watch the presentation.
<object class="wp-block-file__embed" data="https://www.cefcmi.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Kids-Go-and-Tellers-Student-Notes.pdf" type="application/pdf" style="width:100%;height:600px" aria-label="<strong>Kids! Go and Tellers! Student NotesKids! Go and Tellers! Student NotesDownload