Lesson 1 of 0
In Progress

Real-world Teaching Assignment Copy

Teaching a Party Club is required as part of this course. This teaching time will enable you to immediately put into practice the course theory and methodology learned in this course with children in a real-world setting. Your Party Club will take place during Week 9 of the course.

The preferred teaching location is a Good News Club. This setting will provide you with real-world ministry to children outside the church who may never before have heard the Gospel. There are Good News Clubs taking place in local areas around the world. A Good News Club is a ministry of Child Evangelism Fellowship. It is a Bible club that meets weekly during the school year. Its emphasis is to reach children outside of the local church. Click here to learn more about the Good News Club ministry. The CMI Online Administrator is making contact with people teaching Good News Clubs near you to see if there is a club you could participate in during this course.

If you already have a real-world setting available, please email that information to [email protected]. The locations will be included in the Progressive Methods of Child Evangelism Proctor and Party Club Chart that is located in the Proctor/Practicum Information section of the course. If there is not a club location near you, you will need to secure a teaching location yourself. Follow the guidelines below to secure an appropriate teaching location if this is the case.

Securing a Real-World Teaching Assignment Location
If a Good News Club could not be secured for you by the CMI Online team, you are responsible to secure a teaching location. As you are looking for a setting to teach your Party Club, the following tips will help you find an appropriate location.
The teaching location should…
-reach children between the ages of 5-12 as these are the ages most appropriate to the course methods being taught
-provide enough time for you to teach according to the methods presented in this course
-be available during the necessary Week 9 according to the course schedule
-allow you to teach the type of lessons required
NOTE: Since the emphasis of this course is evangelism, a location that provides the opportunity to evangelize unsaved children is preferred.

Note concerning Real-World Teaching Assignments while social distancing requirements are in place: If it is not possible for you to complete your real-world teaching assignments in a face-to-face setting, you have the option of teaching children online, following the guidelines found in the Good News Across the Web Online Manual found in the Course Planning Documents section of this course.