Lesson 1 of 0
In Progress

Real-world Observation Interviews Copy

In this course, you will compose three observation papers based on a combination of your personal observations and the answers provided by the children you interview. These real-world observation interviews will enable you to immediately experience the characteristics and behavior of children that you learned about during the course. You will interview five children in the 6-11 age group, three children in the 3-5 age group, and three adolescents in the 12-17 age group. Your observation papers will focus on these three distinct age groups. The questionnaires below are to be used for your interviews. The interviews may be conducted in person, or by telephone, Zoom, Skype, or some other media type. During Week 1 of the course, you will interview five children in the 6-11 age range using the appropriate questionnaire. In Week 3 of the course, you will interview three children in the 3-5 age range. In Week 4, you will interview three adolescents in the 12-17 age range. The downloadable, fillable interview questionnaires for each age group are provided below. Be sure to provide parents with a copy of the questionnaire and secure parental permission before conducting these interviews.

Please obtain parental permission for your real-world interview observations before the course begins so that you will be able to complete your observation papers on time.