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CM301 Ministry to Generation Z

0% Complete
0/0 Steps
  1. Introduction
    2 Topics
  2. Course Planning Documents
  3. Pre-course Activities
    1 Quiz
  4. Ordering Course Materials
  5. Your Online Instructor
  6. Grading Policies and Information
  7. Section 1 Coursework (January 9-29, 2024)
    5 Topics
  8. Section 2 Coursework (January 30-February 19, 2024)
    6 Topics
  9. Section 3 Coursework (February 20-March 11, 2024)
    6 Topics
  10. Section 4 Coursework (March 12-April 1, 2024)
    8 Topics
    1 Quiz
Lesson 11 of 10
In Progress

Post-course Activities

The Post-course Quiz is part of your final grade. You may attempt the quiz one time.

The End of Course Survey is not a graded assignment, but you are strongly urged to complete the survey so that the course can be strengthened for future students. Thank you for your input!