Creating a Personal Life Plan

Creating a personal life plan begins with asking the question"Who am I and where am I going?" God's children find their identity in Christ. God equips…

Ministry: Who? Where? What?

In this three-session seminar, Dr. Douglas Fagerstrom delves into the meaning of ministry as described in the Old Testament and the New Testament. He …

Servant Leadership

Dr. Alexander Grenados, president of Calvary University, describes the characteristics of a servant-leader found in Scripture. Drawing from his leader…

One Purpose

In this seminar, Dr. Alexander Granados, president of Calvary University, points out the right motives, the right marks, and the right means of living…

Unity of the Spirit

Followers of Christ are called to walk in unity, which is made possible by our relationship with Christ. Dr. Alexander Granados, President of Calvary …

The High Priestly Prayer

Our Lord's High Priestly Prayer is a blessing to believers. Jesus prayed for our protection, our sanctification, and our unity. Be encouraged as Dr. A…

Life-Work Balance

Feeling exhausted serving in ministry? Jesus, who had the most important ministry of anyone who ever lived, was never in a hurry; yet He completed the…

Presenting the Mission

Raising financial support for your ministry begins with a biblical mindset, diligent prayer, and a well-planned presentation. The presentation you put…

Our Unity in Christ

Seeing people from diverse cultures worship God in our churches is a beautiful picture of the Kingdom of God; it is not without its unique challeng…