Lesson 1, Topic 1
In Progress

Personal Leadership Development Plan Part 1 Copy

After discussing your goals and activities with your mentor and assessing the practicality of achieving the goals, download the Personal Leadership Development Plan Part One Form below. Revise your goals and activities as needed. Then, compose a Personal Leadership Development plan that you will implement over the next year.


  • Three strategic goals that meet the smart goal criteria. Each goal should be able to be accomplished during the next year and should focus on and promote your development as a Christian leader in areas that you identified as weaknesses. (Note: Each goal should be written in one sentence.  Be sure that all the SMART criteria are met in each sentence.)
  • How these goals will be achieved. Include key measurable activities that will be completed to meet your goals. Also explain how you will know that you have made progress toward your goal and how you will know when you have achieved it.
  • Rationale for selecting each goal.
  • Describe how the development of these leadership skills will benefit you and your ministry in the future. Be specific.

Be sure to refer to the Personal Leadership Development Plan Rubric – found in the Grading Policies and Information section of the course – before composing and submitting your plan. Provide significant support for your ideas by providing references from the course content and/or other resources. (Minimum – six references) Use the CMI citation guide – found in the Course Planning Documents section of the course – to properly cite your sources.

This Personal Leadership Development Plan should be 1000 – 1300 words. Once you have completed your plan, save it on your computer and submit it using the Assignments block below. This needs to be submitted by Monday at 11:55 PM Central Time.