Lesson 1, Topic 1
In Progress

Communication Principles Journal Entry Copy

Reflect on your own personal leadership development in the area of communication as it pertains to the course content and the interaction with the other participants in this module. Think about what you have learned. What is God teaching you? What you will do about it? Download the Communication Principles Journal Entry form. Compose a journal entry that addresses all of the following:

  • Discuss key discoveries or observations gained about yourself during this module.
  • Discuss your strengths and weaknesses in areas of speaking, listening, and non-verbal communication. Include personal accounts and provide reasons and/or examples to support your conclusions.
  • Develop a plan that will promote your development as a Christian leader.
    • Review The Essential Guide to Writing SMART Goals as needed.
    • Establish one strategic goal that meets the smart goal criteria. The goal should focus on communication and be able to be accomplished during the next year. It should also promote your development as a Christian leader in an area that you identified as a weakness in your entry. (Note: Be sure to write your goal in one sentence and that all the SMART criteria are met in that one sentence. Example: I am going to read one book a month on children and/or family ministry over the next 12 months and take notes to develop a vision and framework for our children’s ministry.)
  • Explain how this goal will be achieved by identifying key measurable activities that will help you become a more effective and godly leader in this area. (Questions you might want to ask yourself are: What learning opportunities are available? What will you commit to learning in order to become a better leader in this area? What will you subscribe to or buy? What conferences or training classes will you attend?)
  • Include reasons why you selected this goal.
  • Describe how you will know that you have made progress toward your goal and how you will know when you have achieved it.
  • Describe how development in this area will benefit you and your ministry in the future. Be specific.

Be sure to refer to the journal rubric – found in the Grading Policies and Information section of the course – before composing and submitting your entry. Provide substantial interaction between your thoughts and the course content. Referencing course content and/or other resources is required. (Minimum – three references) Use the CMI citation guide – found in the Course Planning Documents section of the course – to properly cite your sources.

This journal entry should be 600 – 800 words. Careful reflection upon the course content as it relates to you personally and insightful construction of this journal article will help you as you meet with you mentor and develop your Personal Leadership Development Plan due in module 8.

Once you have completed your journal entry form, save it on your computer and submit it using the Assignment block below. This needs to be submitted by Monday at 11:55 PM Central Time.